Your Problem Isn't Actually Motivation

Near the very top of my short list of books that every musician should read is James Clear’s Atomic Habits. I have read it multiple times and each time through it makes me a better performer, teacher, and entrepreneur.

He makes so many great points in that book that I find it hard not to highlight entire pages at a time. But one point in particular has stood out to me each time I’ve read the book.

In the chapter “The Best Way to Start a New Habit”, Clear writes the following about motivation:

“Many people think they lack motivation when what they really lack is clarity.” 

This applies to the practice room as well as to developing the skills needed to further a portfolio career.

If, for example, you have been telling yourself for months that you are going to build a website and haven’t done so yet, you don’t lack motivation. There is a good chance you are quite motivated to have a website. That’s why you wanted one in the first place.

What you lack is the clarity that comes from having a specific plan that includes a clear next step.

For a long time the website for The Entrepreneurial Musician was just a part of my personal site, There are some benefits to setting it up that way, but eventually I came to the conclusion that it would be best to spin it off as its own website. That was when I decided to build

But in spite of being motivated to make it happen and a decision having been made, it took almost two full years until there was actually a website! So where was the lack of clarity?

I decided I wanted to build this website on a platform that was new to me, Wordpress. There were specific advantages to using Wordpress and having familiarity with that platform was a skill that would serve me well moving forward. I was all in.

Then came all the decisions I had to make. Where would I have my site hosted? Which plan would I sign up for? Should I go for a paid Wordpress theme or a free one? Should I survey fellow musicians to find a theme or would it be best to go with a popular one?

The number of decisions I had to make on this very powerful and new to me platform was many times over more than the websites I had built in the past using Squarespace. In fact, there were so many decisions to be made that I never quite figured out which one should be made first so I barely made any of them.

All of this was complicated by the fact that I am fully capable of learning everything there is to learn about the Wordpress platform. With a lot of work, all of it would be well within my technical abilities.

When I combine the belief that I could learn Wordpress with the feeling that I should learn it and with a lack of clarity about what my next move should be I predictably kept myself busy with other things. For like 22 months!

In retrospect, if I had sought a resource that led me through the entire process from the very beginning I would have checked off each box one by one and made it happen. I’m sure there are countless online courses and YouTube channels dedicated to this very thing. That’s where I easily could have gotten clarity about the entire process.

The main takeaway for me is that when trying to learn about myself and why that process was such a failure for so long it would be a mistake to conclude that I only lacked motivation when in fact it was a total lack of clarity that led to my inaction.

So there is a very good chance that your problem is not motivation, but clarity.

TEM Coaching Chat: The difference between motivation and inspiration

I am going to start streaming each week on Tuesdays on the TEM YouTube channel and TEM Facebook page with some thoughts on navigating a portfolio career.

This first one features my thoughts on the difference between motivation and inspiration (and why motivation is NOT the first step but the end result.)

And it also features about 30 seconds of me laying down some tuba at the very beginning of the stream.


TEM156: Hanging out in the hallway (TEM Short)

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TEM156: Hanging out in the hallway (TEM Short)

We've all heard the phrase "When God closes one door, he opens another." The problem is hanging out in the hallway.

The TEM Question of the Week:

Have you ever been rejected in your career but it turned out to be a blessing?

Join the discussion by heading to and leaving a comment.

***Sign up before October 1st for the brand new TEM Newsletter to be eligible to win a free consultation and also receive a free copy of "Seven Things I Learned from the First 100 Episodes of The Entrepreneurial Musician. Click here for details.

What You'll Learn in TEM156:

  • How losing an audition ended up directly leading to me getting my dream job with Boston Brass (but how it sucked in the interim)

  • The timeline for how I lost a major income source a month after announcing I was leaving Boston Brass and right after I found out that my wife was pregnant and how that ended up being a blessing

Want to help the show? Here's a couple of ways you can do that!

1. Help me get to my next goal of $100 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show:

2. My next iTunes goal is 100 ratings and 75 reviews. Take just a minute to leave a rating and review on iTunes to help me get there. Thank you!

And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:

The allure of doing the urgent

Here's another truth bomb from my spirit animal, Seth Godin. This one is less than 150 words.

The reason we go for urgent is that it makes us feel competent. We’re good at it. We didn’t used to be, but we are now.Important, on the other hand, is fraught with fear, with uncertainty and with the risk of failure.

I would highly encourage you to take the 60 seconds and read the article.