TEM19: Ron Davis, Canadian jazz pianist, on the dangers of being fungible,why sales is such a huge part of what musicians do and how he is the prototypical example of a portfolio musician

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TEM19: Ron Davis, Canadian jazz pianist, on the dangers of being fungible,why sales is such a huge part of what musicians do and how he is the prototypical example of a portfolio musician

Ron Davis is one of the preeminent jazz musicians in Canada who is known for his innovative collaborations and forward thinking. He is a performer, writer, arranger and teacher who has taken a fascinating route to get to where he is today.

He began his professional career by becoming a lawyer. He then got his PhD in French and became an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Then incredibly, after 10 years of not playing a note, picked music back up and became one of the most successful jazz musicians in all of Canada.

On Today’s Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • The courage it took for him to get out of his well-paid and steady "cul-de-sac" of a job to become a full-time musician again

  • How he is the prototypical example of a portfolio musician

  • Why sales is such a huge part of what musicians do

  • What drives the innovative collaborations that comprise his project Symphronica

  • The dangers of being fungible


 Books Referenced:

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Produced by Austin Boyer and Buddy Deshler of FredBrass