TEM111: Pop-jazz duo 23rd Hour Quotes (TEM Short)

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TEM111: Pop-jazz duo 23rd Hour Quotes (TEM Short)

23rd Hour is a jazz-pop duo comprised of Sherry-Lynn Lee and George Paolini.


  • "This is the heart of startup land and when you're doing a startup, and Sherry and I have both been in startups at various times, you try everything. Things that work, you keep doing. Things that don't work, you stop doing. You just have to try them and that's what we're doing."

  • "But we have this trust and we we are on the same page with where we want things to go and what kind of voice we want to have. So we are able to delegate but also work together and make it seamless."

  • "If people aren't careful they might not realize that its a marketing email because it’s so personable and that was our strategy. We wanted it to seem like we were really targeting that person and not just sending out a blast email."

  • "The way we do it is we try to take each win that we have and try to push it a little bit further and I think what works really well is when you position yourself as the underdog that just needs a little push to get to the next level."

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:


1. Help me get to my goal of $50 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/tempodcast.

2. Thanks to everyone who helped me get to my goal of 50 ratings on iTunes! I appreciate it very much!

And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz

TEM110: Jazz-Pop Duo 23rd Hour on treating your band like a startup, pulling off a successful album launch and how to rock an email campaign

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TEM110: Jazz-Pop Duo 23rd Hour on treating your band like a startup, pulling off a successful album launch and how to rock an email campaign

23rd Hour is a jazz-pop duo comprised of Sherry-Lynn Lee and George Paolini.

What You'll Learn:

  • How this unlikely pair met and ended up working together (Sherry-Lynn had the courage to ask)

  • Why they ended up targeting the wine industry by using the #WineWednesday hashtag (and the many benefits that have come from it)

  • How they treat their band as a startup

  • How they pulled off a successful album release party at a venue and in a city they had never played in before

  • The benefits of partnering with a local charity

  • How to send a very successful email campaign with much higher than average open rates and click rates

  • The importance of knowing your strengths, delegating and using deadlines when you are in a partnership

  • How they managed to climb all the way to #10 on the iTunes Jazz Chart through a combination of a little good luck and a lot of calculated, specific actions

  • How a physical guest book can be a great tool to getting people to sign up for your mailing list


Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:


Don't miss the debut of the TEM Newsletter! Sign up to receive a free copy of 7 Lessons I Learned from the First 100 Episodes of TEM.

1. Help me get to my goal of $50 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/tempodcast.

2. Help me get to my goal of 50 ratings at iTunes (I'm one away!) by leaving a rating and review.

Follow TEM on Instagram and Twitter and Facebook

And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz for Pedal Note Media

TEM19: Ron Davis, Canadian jazz pianist, on the dangers of being fungible,why sales is such a huge part of what musicians do and how he is the prototypical example of a portfolio musician

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TEM19: Ron Davis, Canadian jazz pianist, on the dangers of being fungible,why sales is such a huge part of what musicians do and how he is the prototypical example of a portfolio musician

Ron Davis is one of the preeminent jazz musicians in Canada who is known for his innovative collaborations and forward thinking. He is a performer, writer, arranger and teacher who has taken a fascinating route to get to where he is today.

He began his professional career by becoming a lawyer. He then got his PhD in French and became an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. Then incredibly, after 10 years of not playing a note, picked music back up and became one of the most successful jazz musicians in all of Canada.

On Today’s Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • The courage it took for him to get out of his well-paid and steady "cul-de-sac" of a job to become a full-time musician again

  • How he is the prototypical example of a portfolio musician

  • Why sales is such a huge part of what musicians do

  • What drives the innovative collaborations that comprise his project Symphronica

  • The dangers of being fungible


 Books Referenced:

You can help offset the ongoing costs of producing the show by making a small donation at http://www.pedalnotemedia.com/support-the-entrepreneurial-musician. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Produced by Austin Boyer and Buddy Deshler of FredBrass

TEM13: Alan Baylock of The One O'Clock Lab Band

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TEM13: Alan Baylock of The One O'Clock Lab Band

Alan Baylock has had a wildly successful career as a composer, arranger, educator and bandleader. He is approaching his twentieth year as the chief arranger of the Airmen of Note before he takes over as the newly appointed leader of The One O'Clock Lab Band at North Texas.

Alan talks about how his attempts to become the next Maynard Ferguson and writing salsa charts turned into teaching gigs at both of the colleges he attended while simultaneously working with the nation's best jazz ensembles.

Topics Covered:

  • Life as a composer, educator and arranger

  • Forming his own big band

  • Keys to auditioning and interviewing well

  • How musicians should price themselves for different services

  • The music publication process

