Product announcements don't have to be boring

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve said the word remarkable on the podcast or in TEM class at Shenandoah Conservatory I would be a rich man!

This is a promo video for a book by Adam Grant, a professor at Wharton and a magician. This is certainly unlike any other book announcement I’ve ever seen.

So frequently, artists (musicians, painters, authors, lots of different disciplines) put a ton of creativity into their art and close to none into how they go about telling people about their art. This is a problem.

While I’m not going to go out and learn any card tricks any time soon, I can learn a lot from this video. And that goes for both the concept and the execution.

Wharton professor Adam Grant gives an overview of his new book, Give and Take (on sale 4/9/13), using an entire deck of playing cards. For more info: http://...

TEM96: Build a community first (TEM Short)

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TEM96: Build a community first (TEM Short)

This TEM Short is in response to my interview with Tim Topham in Episode 95.


TEM 95: Tim Topham on Building a Community of True Fans in an Already Crowded Space, Launching a Successful Membership Site and Minimum Viable Products

You can help me reach two specific goals I've set for TEM:

1. Help me get to $50 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show:

2. Help me get to my goal of 50 ratings at iTunes by leaving a rating and review.

And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Joey Santillo