Oh, you're a marketer alright

As Seth Godin points out in Unleashing the Ideavirus, there isn’t a single market place that isn’t more crowded than it was a decade ago. So getting attention is harder than ever. Embrace marketing as an entrepreneurial musician today or fail.

The name of the game today is getting noticed which means every single one of us is a marketer.

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Start before you are ready

Did you know you can now follow TEM on Instagram? The handle is @TEMPodcast (same as Twitter.)

Here's a short Instagram video I made about my favorite quote from the wonderful Steven Pressfield book, "Do the Work", which is the subject of my next TEM Book Report.

TEM49: Ariel Hyatt of Cyber PR

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TEM49: Ariel Hyatt of Cyber PR

Ariel Hyatt is the founder of Cyber PR. She is an entrepreneur, author and speaker who focuses on the intersection of social media, PR and online marketing.

The day I dreamed up TEM, Ariel was on my immediate short list for guests I had to interview for the podcast. Listen and you'll hear why.

Topics Covered:

  • An example of a perfect email pitching someone

  • The value of networking through social media

  • Why the days of the formal press release are over

  • Why you always need to worry about what the other person is getting out of any interaction

  • The new "paradigm of millions"

  • The pitfall of dehumanizing your social media engagements

  • How many social media channels you should be on and how to choose which ones

  • The pitfalls on social media for artists in particular

  • The problem with viewing social media through the lens of ROI

  • How Ariel has had to shift her business model over the years and the parallels with today's musician

  • Why Facebook is the dominant platform and why it works so well as a marketing tool

  • How Facebook is now "pay to play" and the minimum amount you should be paying each month on Facebook to get noticed

  • Why you need a Facebook page and not just a personal profile

  • Her latest completely free resource for artists, Social Media House

  • What Cyber PR offers for musicians and entrepreneurs


Favorite Quote:

  • "The thing that will hurt you the most in your quest to stand out is not caring about other people...there is nothing in it for them if you pay no attention to them but you expect the attention be paid to you."

  • Bonus Quote: "When was the last time you went to a cocktail party and were pissed off that you didn't make money. That's how you have to think of social, like a big cocktail party."