TEM6: Brian Pertl, Dean of the Lawrence Conservatory of Music

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TEM6: Brian Pertl, Dean of the Lawrence Conservatory of Music

Brian is the Dean of the Lawrence Conservatory of Music and a former ethnomusicologist for Microsoft. He is the perfect meld of artist and businessman which makes him a very forward-thinking dean.

His passion for combining artistic expression with entrepreneurial skills has him on the cutting edge of what a music education should look like at the collegiate level today.

Topics Covered:

  • How a $50 gig playing the didgeridoo led to his full-time employment for 16 years at Microsoft which led to him becoming a dean

  • Always saying yes when asked if you are capable of something

  • The importance of pivoting in one's career

  • How giving people autonomy over projects can unleash creativity

  • The value of questioning traditions within music

  • Being ready to seize an opportunity



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Produced by Austin Boyer and Buddy Deshler of FredBrass