TEM Coaching Tip: Tips on batching social media

I have been pretty obsessed with systems lately.

At times I can struggle to keep up with all of the various outputs I currently offer the world and the only thing that saves me is having systems in place to fall back on.

Between TEM Coaching, The Brass Junkies, Pedal Note Media, the various offerings from Hitz Academy and Band Director’s Guide it can all get overwhelming.

One of the things I can fall behind on is social media.

Posting on social media doesn’t ever have to get done, so it is always a candidate for being temporarily pushed to the side.

But I’m happy to report that I’ve found a solution and that solution is batching.

Rather than waiting for a hole in my schedule large enough to think up good content, make that content and then post it in a thoughtful manner, I try to lump those different phases of social media together.

It is incredible how much more effective it is! Not only do I get more done, but the stuff I make is also better because I am able to get into the content creation zone and minimize distractions.

This infographic is a great blueprint for how you can batch the creation of your social media content.