TEM86: Beware the external should's (TEM Short)

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TEM86: Beware the external should's (TEM Short)

This TEM Short is in response to my interview with Dana Fonteneau in TEM85.

Are "external should's" holding you and your art back?

Topics Covered:

  • 1:35 - Why the word should is dangerous (and easier to spot in other people)

  • 5:27 - The example of my good friend and colleague Joanna Hersey and how she went against a strong "external should" and has thrived

  • 7:56 - An example mentioned previously by David Cutler about a "should" that steers an entire corner of the our industry

  • 10:34 - A good strategy to battle "should's"


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Produced by Joey Santillo

TEM85: Dana Fonteneau on figuring out your "Why", holding yourself accountable when you work for yourself and how she got her first paid clients before she had a proven track record

This episode featuring Dana Fonteneau of the WholeHearted Musician will leave you energized and inspired! She said a lot of things I needed to hear and gave me lots of ideas for how to move forward with my own career.

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TEM72: The who and the what make the how pretty straightforward (TEM Short)

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TEM72: The who and the what make the how pretty straightforward (TEM Short)

This TEM Short is in response to my interview with Susan de Weger of IgniteLab in Episode 71.

I discuss the two things you need to put into focus in order to figure out how to proceed with your business.


It would mean the world to me if you felt like making a small donation to support what I'm doing with TEM. You can find out more at:


Produced by Joey Santillo