TEM21: Max & Scott McKee of the American Band College

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TEM21: Max & Scott McKee of the American Band College

Max and Scott McKee own and operate a music education empire which includes the American Band College, the Western International Band Clinic, and Bandworld Magazine.

Topics Covered:

  • How hiring the best people in the world even at the expensive of losing money in the short term was a successful strategy

  • Why forging personal relationships with both your employees and your customers is vital to success

  • The importance of getting happy customers to do your marketing for you

  • Why passion drives everything they do



Books Referenced:

You can help offset the ongoing costs of producing the show by making a small donation at http://www.pedalnotemedia.com/support-the-entrepreneurial-musician. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Produced by Austin Boyer and Buddy Deshler of FredBrass