Stop Giving Away Your Time and Talents

“If you don't value your time, neither will others. Stop giving away your time and talents. Value what you know and start charging for it.”

—Kim Garst

I was approached recently by one of the big music publishers to appear on a music business panel. A really big music publisher! I was excited by the opportunity because I'm sure this panel will get some eyeballs.

When I asked them how much the appearance paid they were surprised by the question and said they would inquire with the powers that be. They eventually let me know that they would not be able to offer any compensation and were apologetic.

The others on the panel were tenure-track college professors who will use this appearance in their tenure/promotion files or industry leaders who are paid to represent their companies and their shareholders.

But I work for myself. I can't get promoted and I don't have shareholders.

For the record, I do lots of things for no money. I have done countless hours of music business consulting for people who who didn't have even a fraction of the head start that I had in the business and in life and who would never be able to pay for consulting.

But providing labor for one of the really, really big music publishers for zero compensation beyond a promise of "exposure"? Hard pass.

One of my major income streams is sharing my experience from the last almost 25 years in the music business and I have gotten really picky about when and where to give away my time and talent, as the opening quote talks about.

If I don't value my own expertise (and honor the years and years of struggle that went into earning it) then I can't expect anyone else to either.


Coda: If you are a multi-million dollar company, stop asking people like me to work for no compensation! Thank you in advance.