TEM66: Ariel Hyatt, author of "Crowdstart: The Ultimate Guide to a Powerful & Profitable Crowdfunding Campaign"

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TEM66: Ariel Hyatt, author of “Crowdstart: The Ultimate Guide to a Powerful & Profitable Crowdfunding Campaign”

Digital marketing and branding rock star Ariel Hyatt returns to TEM to discuss her brand new book.

Topics Covered:

  • Trends she has noticed about crowdfunding through her own campaign and helping countless clients with theirs

  • The most common mistake people make when running a crowdfunding campaign

  • Why you have to be so direct when asking people for support

  • The importance of building a crowd before you ever launch your campaign

  • Why you need a compelling name for your campaign and a compelling pitch that tells a story

  • The importance of having a very specific schedule for the duration of your entire campaign


Favorite Quote:

  • "The assumption is everyone saw (your campaign) and nobody wants to donate when the truth is that nobody saw it and everyone wants to donate."

You can help offset the ongoing costs of producing the show by making a small donation at http://www.pedalnotemedia.com/support-the-entrepreneurial-musician. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Produced by Joey Santillo

Interview for A Musician's Guide to Hustling

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Seth Hanes of "The Musician's Guide to Hustling" about a whole bunch of topics including:

  • How I went from graduate school right into Boston Brass

  • Developing Passive Income Generators (or PIGs)

  • Simple tools that any musician can use to market themselves

  • The importance of your reputation preceding you when it comes to networking

It was a very fun conversation that covers a lot of ground on the business side of the music business. Thanks again to Seth for the opportunity!