TEM194: It's all about engagement


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TEM194: It's all about engagement

Whether it's prospective clients or already converted true fans, it's all about engagement.

***Let me help you connect with more fans and make more money in the music business. Get a free consultation from TEM Coaching today***

On Today's Episode of The Entrepreneurial Musician:

  • Why engagement is more important in today's music business than ever before

  • Remarkable examples of audience engagement from Time for Three, Travelin' Light and Phish

  • True fan engagement at its best courtesy of Taylor Swift and Umphrey's McGee

  • How to engage with prospective clients in a remarkable way


Want to help the show? Here's a couple of ways you can do that!

1. Help me get to my next goal of $100 per episode on Patreon by pledging as little as $1 per episode to support the show: https://www.patreon.com/tempodcast.

2. My next Apple Podcasts goal is 150 ratings and 75 reviews. Take just a minute to leave a rating and review on Apple Podcasts to help me get there. Thank you!

And finally, a huge thank you to Parker Mouthpieces for providing the hosting for TEM.

Produced by Andrew Hitz

Show notes for all episodes of TEM including topics discussed, links to all books and websites referenced can be found at:


TEM61: 1,000 True Fans

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TEM61: 1,000 True Fans

This episode of TEM features my thoughts on the famous "1,000 True Fans" concept by Kevin Kelly. Be sure to read the blog post at the top of the links below!

Topics Covered:

  • Why you only need "1,000 true fans" to make a good living as an artist

  • Why the easiest way to get a fan to give you $100 each year is to produce a lot of different content

  • How the key to cultivating true fans is direct contact with them

  • If you gain one true fan a day for three years you will end up with 1,000

  • Stop procrastinating and regularly ship the art you are working on


Want to help "keep the lights on" and make future episodes of TEM possible? Please visit our Patreon page to see how you can help: 


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The Entrepreneurial Musician is produced by Joey Santillo.